On May 15, 2021, this guide has been updated to include Lighthouse, Teku and Nimbus clients along with Prysm, the Ethereum 2.0 client we started with.
Why Stake with Kubernetes?
As stakers, we all want to minimize downtime and the risk of being slashed.
Minimizing downtime is a difficult objective to achieve since a validator might be down for various reasons: system failures, incomplete restart policies, connectivity issues, hardware maintenance or software bugs. Staking with two or more machines for redundancy naturally comes to mind.
People might say, “redundancy leads to slashing!” which is a legitimate concern because we could accidentally run multiple validators with the same validator keys at the same time. Migrating the validators from a broken machine to the other with inappropriate procedure might in turn corrupt the slashing protection database . A staker with benign intention has the risk of being slashed due to the error-prone manual operations and the complexities increase when you have a high-availability setup. Needless to say, the experience could deteriorate if a staker runs multiple validators.
Can we reduce the risk and the complexities of staking while running multiple validators and embracing redundancy? Yes, we think Kubernetes can help us manage the application’s lifecycle and automate the upgrade rollouts. The process of upgrading a client would be completed in one-step. Furthermore, migrating a client from one machine to another also would be a single command (e.g. kubectl drain node).
We hope this experiment and the setup guide can be a stepping stone for the community to stake with Kubernetes for Ethereum 2.0. Embrace the redundancy and stake with ease and scalability.
We want to thank Ethereum Foundation for supporting this project via the Eth2 Staking Community Grants. It’s an honor to contribute to this community!
In this step-by-step guide, we run multiple Ethereum 2.0 clients in a Kuberenetes cluster for staking. We are using:
- Ethereum 2.0 Client (Prysm, Lighthouse, Teku or Nimbus)
- MicroK8s as the Kubernertes destribution (installation guide).
- Helm 3 to manage packages and releases.
- kubectl to run commands against Kubernetes clusters.
- Ubuntu Server 20.04.2 LTS (x64) (download link).
- Network File System (NFS) as beacon and validator clients’ persistent storage (Guide for NFS installation and configuration on Ubuntu).
- eth2xk8s Helm Chart.
This guide will help you to:
- Create a Kubernetes cluster with MicroK8s. If you already have your preferred Kubernetes distribution running you can jump to the section “Install and Configure NFS”. If you are using managed Kubernetes services provided by cloud providers (e.g. AKS, EKS, and GKE), you may consider using cloud storage directly rather than NFS as the persistent storage. We will cover this topic in the future.
- Install and configure NFS.
- Prepare the Helm Chart for multiple clients.
- Install Ethereum 2.0 clients with the Helm Chart.
- Check client status.
- Upgrade and roll back the Ethereum 2.0 clients with the Helm Chart.
This guide does not cover the following topics:
- Performance tuning and sizing.
- Guide to fund the validators and to generate the validator keys.
- Kubernetes cluster high availability (HA) configuration.
- Kubernetes cluster security hardening.
As of today, this setup has been tested in the testnet only.
We all stake at our own risk. Please always do the experiments and dry-run on the testnet first, familiarize yourself with all the operations, and harden your systems before running it on the mainnet. This guide serves as a stepping stone for staking with Kubernetes. The authors are not responsible for any financial losses incurred by following this guide.
System Requirements
We need at least 3 machines (virtual machines or bare-metal machines) in total for this setup. One machine will be the NFS server to store the staking data, the second machine will be the “master” node to run the Kubernetes core components, and finally, the third machine will be the “worker” node to run the workloads, which are the beacon and validator clients, in the Kubernetes cluster. For high availability (HA), you can consider adding more nodes by following MicroK8s’ High Availability documentation and regularly backing up the beacon data for fast startup. We will discuss HA configurations in subsequent posts.
Here are the recommended system requirements based on our testing on the Prater testnet and MicroK8s’ documentation. Please note that meeting the minimal requirements does not guarantee optimal performance or cost efficiency.
- RAM: 8 GB minimum
- CPU: 1 core minimum
- Disk: 20 GB minimum
- RAM: 8 GB minimum
- CPU: 1 core minimum
- Disk: 20 GB minimum
- RAM: 2 GB minimum
- CPU: 1 core minimum
- Disk: 250 GB minimum (Again, please note it is for testnet. For running on the mainnet, you may need more storage.)
Network Requirements
- Every machine needs to have outbound connectivity to the Internet at least during installation.
- Masters and workers can reach to each other. We will configure the firewall in the following section to only allow the inbound traffic to the ports required by MicroK8s. For more details, you can refer to MicroK8s’ documentation: Services and ports.
- Masters and workers can reach the NFS server.
- Masters and workers can reach the endpoint of the Ethereum 1.0 “Goerli” node (Please refer to Prerequisites for more information).
- You have funded your validators and have generated validator keys. If you need guidance, we recommend Somer Esat’s guide.
- Ethereum 1.0 “Goerli” node: Somer Esat’s guide also covers steps for building the Ethereum 1.0 node. You can also choose a third-party provider such as Infura or Alchemy.
- Planning your private network, firewall, and port forwarding. We have put our network configuration in the Walkthrough for your reference.
- You have installed Ubuntu Server 20.04.2 LTS (x64) on all the servers and have assigned static IPs.
In this walkthrough, we will set up a Kubernetes cluster and a NFS server and install the beacon node and the validator clients. We put all the machines in the same private subnet and have assigned a static private IP for each machine. Here are the network configurations we use throughout this guide for the three machines:
Private subnet: ( -
- Master IP:
- Worker IP:
- DNS:, (Google’s DNS)
System Update/Upgrade
Please run the commands below on all the machines:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt dist-upgrade && sudo apt autoremove
sudo reboot
Time Sync
Perform the following steps on all the machines:
Set your timezone. Using
as an example:timedatectl list-timezones sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/Los_Angeles
Confirm that the default timekeeping service is on (NTP service).
.sudo apt install chrony
Edit the
configuration.sudo nano /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
Add the following pools as the clock sources:
pool time.google.com iburst minpoll 1 maxpoll 2 maxsources 3 pool us.pool.ntp.org iburst minpoll 1 maxpoll 2 maxsources 3 pool ntp.ubuntu.com iburst minpoll 1 maxpoll 2 maxsources 3
Update the two settings:
maxupdateskew 5.0 # The threshold for determining whether an estimate is too unreliable to be used. makestep 0.1 -1 # This would step the system clock if the adjustment is larger than 0.1 seconds.
Restart the
service.sudo systemctl restart chronyd
To see the source of synchronization data.
chronyc sources
To view the current status of
.chronyc tracking
Choose Your Ethereum 2.0 Client
The content of the following guide will be changed based on your client selection. Please choose the one your prefer before continue reading:
Configure Firewall
Perform step 1-3 on all the machines:
Set up default rules.
sudo ufw default deny incoming sudo ufw default allow outgoing
(Optional) We suggest changing the ssh port from
to another port for security. You can open thesshd_config
config file and changePort 22
to your designated port:sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Then restart the
service.sudo service sshd restart
No matter which port is used, remember to allow inbound traffic to your ssh port over TCP:
sudo ufw allow <ssh-port>/tcp
On the NFS server, add the rule for NFS service:
sudo ufw allow 2049/tcp
On the master and worker machines, add the rules for MicroK8s services:
sudo ufw allow 16443/tcp sudo ufw allow 10250/tcp sudo ufw allow 10255/tcp sudo ufw allow 25000/tcp sudo ufw allow 12379/tcp sudo ufw allow 10257/tcp sudo ufw allow 10259/tcp sudo ufw allow 19001/tcp
On the master and worker machines, add the rules for beacon node:
sudo ufw allow 12000/udp sudo ufw allow 13000/tcp
sudo ufw allow 9000
sudo ufw allow 9000
sudo ufw allow 9000
Lastly, enable the firewall on each machine.
sudo ufw enable sudo ufw status numbered
Install MicroK8s
To install MicroK8s, you can refer to MicroK8s’ installation guide or follow the instructions below on both of the master and worker machines.
Install and run MicroK8s.
sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.20/stable
To grant your non-root user the admin privilege to execute MicroK8s commands, add the user to the MicroK8s group and change the owner of
directory.sudo usermod -a -G microk8s $USER sudo chown -f -R $USER ~/.kube su - $USER # Re-enter the session for the update to take place.
Wait for MicroK8s to be ready.
microk8s status --wait-ready
Double check the node is ready.
microk8s kubectl get node
You should only see one node in the result.
Set up a Cluster
Please finish the previous section and make sure MicroK8s is running on both master and worker machines before proceeding.
On the master:
Enable DNS and Helm 3.
microk8s enable dns helm3
Use the add-node command to generate a connection string for the worker node to join the cluster.
microk8s add-node
You should see output like this:
Join node with: microk8s join If the node you are adding is not reachable through the default interface you can use one of the following: microk8s join microk8s join
On the worker:
Copy the join command and join the cluster. For example,
microk8s join
After the joining is done, check whether the worker node is in the cluster.
microk8s kubectl get node
You should see both master and worker nodes in the result.
Install and Configure NFS
You can refer to the Ubuntu’s documentation: NFS installation and configuration or follow the instructions below.
On the machine you plan to run NFS:
Install and start the NFS server.
sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server sudo systemctl start nfs-kernel-server.service
Create directories for the beacon node, validator clients, and wallets. Please note that each wallet can only be used by a single validator client. You can import multiple validator keys into the same wallet and use one validator client to attest/propose blocks for multiple validator keys. To avoid slashing, do not use multiple validator clients with the same wallet or have the same key imported into different wallets used by different validator clients. Create directories for the beacon node and validator clients. Please note that each key can only be used by a single validator client. You can import multiple validator keys into the same validator client and attest/propose blocks for multiple validator keys. To avoid slashing, do not import the same key into different validator clients. Create directories for the beacon node, validator clients, validator keys and key passwords. Please note that each key can only be used by a single validator client. You can import multiple validator keys into the same validator client and attest/propose blocks for multiple validator keys. To avoid slashing, do not import the same key into different validator clients. Create directories for the beacon node, validators and secrets. Please note that each key can only be used by a single Nimbus client. You can import multiple validator keys into the same client and attest/propose blocks for multiple validator keys. To avoid slashing, do not import the same key into different Nimbus clients.sudo mkdir -p /data/prysm/beacon
sudo mkdir -p /data/prysm/validator-client-1 /data/prysm/wallet-1
sudo mkdir -p /data/prysm/validator-client-2 /data/prysm/wallet-2
sudo mkdir -p /data/lighthouse/beacon
sudo mkdir -p /data/lighthouse/validator-client-1
sudo mkdir -p /data/lighthouse/validator-client-2
sudo mkdir -p /data/teku/beacon
sudo mkdir -p /data/teku/validator-client-1 /data/teku/validator-keys-1 /data/teku/validator-key-passwords-1
sudo mkdir -p /data/teku/validator-client-2 /data/teku/validator-keys-2 /data/teku/validator-key-passwords-2
sudo mkdir -p /data/nimbus/beacon-1 /data/nimbus/validators-1 /data/nimbus/secrets-1
sudo mkdir -p /data/nimbus/beacon-2 /data/nimbus/validators-2 /data/nimbus/secrets-2
Configure and export NFS storage.
sudo nano /etc/exports
Add the following and save the file:
/data *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
Option descriptions:
- *: hostname format.
- rw: read/write permission.
- sync: changes are guaranteed to be committed to stable storage before replying to requests.
- no_subtree_check: disables subtree checking, which has mild security implications, but can improve reliability in some circumstances. From release 1.1.0 of nfs-utils onwards, the default is no_subtree_check as subtree_checking tends to cause more problems than it is worth.
Please see the NFS server export table manual for more details.
Export the config
sudo exportfs -a
On your master and worker nodes, enable NFS support by installing
:sudo apt install nfs-common
Import Validator Keys
Let’s get back to the NFS server to import the validator keys created with eth2.0-deposit-cli. Before proceeding, please have your validator keys placed on your NFS machine. Please refer to Prysm’s documentation about how to import your validator accounts into Prysm or follow the instructions below. Please follow Prysm’s documentation to download Prysm startup script. Execute the startup script with When prompted, enter your wallet directory. For example, Create the wallet password (remember to back it up somewhere safe!) Enter the password you used to create the validator keys with the Please refer to Lighthouse’s documentation about how to import your validator accounts into Lighthouse or follow the instructions below. Please follow Lighthouse’s documentation to download the pre-built binary. Execute the binary with Enter the password you used to create the validator keys with Please refer to Teku’s documentation about how to import your validator accounts into Teku or follow the instructions below. Copy validator keys into the target folder for keys. Assume our keys generated with Create one password txt file for each corresponding key in the target folder for key passwords (assume it’s Please refer to Nimbus’s documentation about how to import your validator accounts into Nimbus or follow the instructions below. Please follow Nimbus’s documentation to download the pre-built binary. Execute the binary with the directory you place the keys. We use Enter the password you used to create the validator keys with --keys-dir=<path/to/validator-keys>
(Remember to replace it with the directory you place the keys). We use $HOME/eth2.0-deposit-cli/validator_keys
as the example path to the validator keys.sudo ./prysm.sh validator accounts import --keys-dir=$HOME/eth2.0-deposit-cli/validator_keys --prater
. If you enter it correctly, the accounts will be imported into the new wallet.--directory=<path/to/validator-keys>
(Remember to replace it with the directory you place the keys). We use $HOME/eth2.0-deposit-cli/validator_keys
as the example path to the validator keys and /data/lighthouse/validator-client-1
for the data directory of the validator client.sudo ./lighthouse --network prater account validator import --directory $HOME/eth2.0-deposit-cli/validator_keys --datadir /data/lighthouse/validator-client-1 --reuse-password
. If you enter it correctly, the keys will be imported.eth2.0-deposit-cli
is under $HOME/eth2.0-deposit-cli/validator_keys
and our target folder for keys is /data/teku/validator-keys-1
sudo cp $HOME/eth2.0-deposit-cli/validator_keys/* /data/teku/validator-keys-1/
). For example, if there’s a keystore named keystore-m_123.json
, you’ll need to create a file named keystore-m_123.txt
and store the keystore’s password in it.$HOME/eth2.0-deposit-cli/validator_keys
as the example path to the validator keys and /data/nimbus-1
for the data directory of the Nimbus client.sudo nimbus_beacon_node deposits import --data-dir=/data/nimbus-1 $HOME/eth2.0-deposit-cli/validator_keys
. If you enter it correctly, the keys will be imported.
Change the owner of the data folder
On the NFS machine, let’s change the directory owners so later these directories can be mounted by Kubernetes as the storage volumes for the pods running the beacon node and the validator clients.
sudo chown -R 1001:2000 /data # you can pick other user ID and group ID
Prepare the Helm Chart
We understand it is not trivial to learn Kubernetes and create manifests or Helm Charts for staking from scratch, so we’ve already done this for you to help you bootstrap! We uploaded all the manifests in our Github repository eth2xk8s.
We use Helm to manage packages and releases in this guide. You can also use Kubernetes manifests directly. Please see Testing manifests with hostPath and Testing manifests with NFS for details.
Clone this repo.
git clone https://github.com/lumostone/eth2xk8s.git
Change values in prysm/helm/values.yaml. We recommend checking each field in Change values in lighthouse/helm/values.yaml. We recommend checking each field in Change values in teku/helm/values.yaml. We recommend checking each field in Change values in nimbus/helm/values.yaml. We recommend checking each field in values.yaml
to determine the desired configuration. Fields that need to be changed or verified before installing the chart are the following ones:values.yaml
to determine the desired configuration. Fields that need to be changed or verified before installing the chart are the following ones:values.yaml
to determine the desired configuration. Fields that need to be changed or verified before installing the chart are the following ones:values.yaml
to determine the desired configuration. Fields that need to be changed or verified before installing the chart are the following ones:
Install Ethereum 2.0 Client via Helm Chart
Helm uses releases to track each of the chart installations. In this guide, we specify our release name as eth2xk8s
, you can change it to anything you prefer. We’ll install the Helm Chart in a namespace, which defines scopes for names and isolates accesses between resources.
We use On your master: Create the namespace. Install the Prysm client. Check the configurations used. We use On your master: Create the namespace. Install the Lighthouse client. Check the configurations used. We use On your master: Create the namespace. Install the Teku client. Check the configurations used. We use On your master: Create the namespace. Install the Nimbus client. Check the configurations used.prysm
as the namespace for the Prysm client.microk8s kubectl create namespace prysm
microk8s helm3 install eth2xk8s ./prysm/helm -nprysm
microk8s helm3 get manifest eth2xk8s -nprysm
as the namespace for the Lighthouse client.microk8s kubectl create namespace lighthouse
microk8s helm3 install eth2xk8s ./lighthouse/helm -nlighthouse
microk8s helm3 get manifest eth2xk8s -nlighthouse
as the namespace for the Teku client.microk8s kubectl create namespace teku
microk8s helm3 install eth2xk8s ./teku/helm -nteku
microk8s helm3 get manifest eth2xk8s -nteku
as the namespace for the Nimbus client.microk8s kubectl create namespace nimbus
microk8s helm3 install eth2xk8s ./nimbus/helm -nnimbus
microk8s helm3 get manifest eth2xk8s -nnimbus
Check Client Status
Check the deployment status. This command will watch for changes. You can monitor it until the beacon node and validator clients are all in Check the log of the beacon node. Check the log of the first validator client. To check other validator clients, change Check the deployment status. This command will watch for changes. You can monitor it until the beacon node and validator clients are all in Check the log of the beacon node. Check the log of the first validator client. To check other validator clients, change Check the deployment status. This command will watch for changes. You can monitor it until the beacon node and validator clients are all in Check the log of the beacon node. Check the log of the first validator client. To check other validator clients, change Check the deployment status. This command will watch for changes. You can monitor it until the clients are all in Check the log of the first Nimbus client. To check other Nimbus clients, change microk8s kubectl get pod -nprysm -w
status.microk8s kubectl logs -f -nprysm -l app=beacon
microk8s kubectl logs -f -nprysm -l app=validator-client-1
-l app=<validator client name>
to other validator clients’ names specified in values.yaml
, e.g. for checking the second validator client.microk8s kubectl logs -f -nprysm -l app=validator-client-2
microk8s kubectl get pod -nlighthouse -w
status.microk8s kubectl logs -f -nlighthouse -l app=beacon
microk8s kubectl logs -f -nlighthouse -l app=validator-client-1
-l app=<validator client name>
to other validator clients’ names specified in values.yaml
, e.g. for checking the second validator client.microk8s kubectl logs -f -nlighthouse -l app=validator-client-2
microk8s kubectl get pod -nteku -w
status.microk8s kubectl logs -f -nteku -l app=beacon
microk8s kubectl logs -f -nteku -l app=validator-client-1
-l app=<validator client name>
to other validator clients’ names specified in values.yaml
, e.g. for checking the second validator client.microk8s kubectl logs -f -nteku -l app=validator-client-2
microk8s kubectl get pod -nnimbus -w
status.microk8s kubectl logs -f -nnimbus -l app=nimbus-1
-l app=<nimbus client name>
to other Nimbus clients’ names specified in values.yaml
, e.g. for checking the second Nimbus client.microk8s kubectl logs -f -nnimbus -l app=nimbus-2
Upgrade the Ethereum 2.0 Client Version with Helm Chart
Ethereum 2.0 client teams work hard to push new versions frequently. Ideally, we should try to keep up with the new releases to get the up-to-date patches and features! We suggest using Helm for upgrading to leverage its releases and lifecycle management:
Check Prysm Github release page to get the latest release version. Modify the Upgrade the client with the Helm upgrade command. Check the configurations to see if it picks up the new version correctly. Check Lighthouse Github release page to get the latest release version. Modify the Upgrade the client with the Helm upgrade command. Check the configurations to see if it picks up the new version correctly. Check Teku Github release page to get the latest release version. Modify the Upgrade the client with the Helm upgrade command. Check the configurations to see if it picks up the new version correctly. Check Nimbus Github release page to get the latest release version. Modify the Upgrade the client with the Helm upgrade command. Check the configurations to see if it picks up the new version correctly.image.versionTag
in values.yaml
to the latest version, e.g. v1.3.4
, and save the change in values.yaml
.microk8s helm3 upgrade eth2xk8s ./prysm/helm -nprysm
microk8s helm3 get manifest eth2xk8s -nprysm
in values.yaml
to the latest version, e.g. v1.3.0
, and save the change in values.yaml
.microk8s helm3 upgrade eth2xk8s ./lighthouse/helm -nlighthouse
microk8s helm3 get manifest eth2xk8s -nlighthouse
in values.yaml
to the latest version, e.g. 21.4.1
, and save the change in values.yaml
.microk8s helm3 upgrade eth2xk8s ./teku/helm -nteku
microk8s helm3 get manifest eth2xk8s -nteku
in values.yaml
to the latest version, e.g. amd64-v1.2.1
, and save the change in values.yaml
.microk8s helm3 upgrade eth2xk8s ./nimbus/helm -nnimbus
microk8s helm3 get manifest eth2xk8s -nnimbus
- Refer to Check Client Status section to verify the client is running without issues.
Roll Back the Release with Helm
If the rollback involves schema changes, please refer to Appendix: Roll Back the Release with Helm (Schema Changes) for details. Otherwise, rolling back with Helm is usually as straightforward as upgrading when there’s no database schema changes involved. You can follow the steps below:
Check Helm release history and find a “good” release. Note the target revision number. If we want to roll back to revision 4 Check the configurations used and refer to the Check Client Status section to verify the client is running without issues. Sometimes, it’s not possible to downgrade to previous versions like described here. Please refer to the client team’s documentations for details before you downgrade the client. Check Helm release history and find a “good” release. Note the target revision number. If we want to roll back to revision 4 Check the configurations used and refer to the Check Client Status section to verify the client is running without issues. Sometimes, it’s not possible to downgrade to previous versions. Please refer to the client team’s documentations for details before you downgrade the client. Check Helm release history and find a “good” release. Note the target revision number. If we want to roll back to revision 4 Check the configurations used and refer to the Check Client Status section to verify the client is running without issues. Sometimes, it’s not possible to downgrade to previous versions. Please refer to the client team’s documentations for details before you downgrade the client. Check Helm release history and find a “good” release. Note the target revision number. If we want to roll back to revision 4 Check the configurations used and refer to the Check Client Status section to verify the client is running without issues. Sometimes, it’s not possible to downgrade to previous versions. Please refer to the client team’s documentations for details before you downgrade the client.microk8s helm3 history eth2xk8s -nprysm
microk8s helm3 rollback eth2xk8s 4 -nprysm
microk8s helm3 history eth2xk8s -nlighthouse
microk8s helm3 rollback eth2xk8s 4 -nlighthouse
microk8s helm3 history eth2xk8s -nteku
microk8s helm3 rollback eth2xk8s 4 -nteku
microk8s helm3 history eth2xk8s -nnimbus
microk8s helm3 rollback eth2xk8s 4 -nnimbus
Thank you for reading to the end of this guide! We hope this guide paves the way for staking with Kubernetes. We will continue to contribute more guides about staking with Kubernetes to the community. Stay tuned!
We would love to hear from you! Let us know what you think.
- If you have any suggestions or questions regarding this guide, feel free to open issues or pull requests in our website repository.
- If you would like to contribute to the Helm Chart, open issues or pull requests in eth2xk8s repository.
Check CPU / Memory Usage
You can use metrics server to check the CPU/Memory usage of each pod.
Install metrics server on the cluster:
microk8s kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server/releases/latest/download/components.yaml
Run the
kubectl top
command, for example:microk8s kubectl top pod -l app=beacon microk8s kubectl top pod -l app=validator-client-1
microk8s kubectl top pod -l app=beacon microk8s kubectl top pod -l app=validator-client-1
microk8s kubectl top pod -l app=beacon microk8s kubectl top pod -l app=validator-client-1
microk8s kubectl top pod -l app=nimbus-1
Uninstall Helm Chart
If you want to stop and uninstall the Ethereum 2.0 client, you can uninstall the Helm Chart and delete the namespace with the following command:
microk8s helm3 uninstall eth2xk8s -nprysm
microk8s kubectl delete namespace prysm
microk8s helm3 uninstall eth2xk8s -nlighthouse
microk8s kubectl delete namespace lighthouse
microk8s helm3 uninstall eth2xk8s -nteku
microk8s kubectl delete namespace teku
microk8s helm3 uninstall eth2xk8s -nnimbus
microk8s kubectl delete namespace nimbus
Roll Back the Release with Helm (Schema Changes)
Take Prysm v1.3.0 release as an example. If you decide to roll back to v1.2.x after upgrading to v1.3.0, you’ll need to run a script first to reverse the database migration. If we use instructions in Roll Back the Release with Helm directly, the pods will restart right after the version is changed by Helm and the client might not run due to the unmatched schema. Hence, we can take advantage of Kubernetes to help us temporarily scale down the pods and then to run the reverse migration script before rolling back. Before rolling back the release, scale down the target deployment, e.g. scale down beacon node or scale down validator-client-1 if the schema changes only affect validators Confirm that the pod(s) are terminated. Run the reverse migration script. Roll back the release to revision 4 Scale up the deployment. Confirm that the pod(s) are running. If you decide to downgrade the client version but there’s schema change due to version upgrade, you might be able to use tools provided by the client team to reverse the database migration. If we use instructions in Roll Back the Release with Helm directly, the pods will restart right after the version is changed by Helm and the client might not run due to the unmatched schema. Hence, we can take advantage of Kubernetes to help us temporarily scale down the pods and then to run the reverse migration tool (if any) before rolling back. Before rolling back the release, scale down the target deployment, e.g. scale down beacon node or scale down validator-client-1 if the schema changes only affect validators Confirm that the pod(s) are terminated. Reverse database migration. Roll back the release to revision 4 Scale up the deployment. Confirm that the pod(s) are running. If you decide to downgrade the client version but there’s schema change due to version upgrade, you might be able to use tools provided by the client team to reverse the database migration. If we use instructions in Roll Back the Release with Helm directly, the pods will restart right after the version is changed by Helm and the client might not run due to the unmatched schema. Hence, we can take advantage of Kubernetes to help us temporarily scale down the pods and then to run the reverse migration tool (if any) before rolling back. Before rolling back the release, scale down the target deployment, e.g. scale down beacon node or scale down validator-client-1 if the schema changes only affect validators Confirm that the pod(s) are terminated. Reverse database migration. Roll back the release to revision 4 Scale up the deployment. Confirm that the pod(s) are running. If you decide to downgrade the client version but there’s schema change due to version upgrade, you might be able to use tools provided by the client team to reverse the database migration. If we use instructions in Roll Back the Release with Helm directly, the pods will restart right after the version is changed by Helm and the client might not run due to the unmatched schema. Hence, we can take advantage of Kubernetes to help us temporarily scale down the pods and then to run the reverse migration tool (if any) before rolling back. Before rolling back the release, scale down the target deployment, e.g. scale down beacon node Confirm that the pod(s) are terminated. Reverse database migration. Roll back the release to revision 4 Scale up the deployment. Confirm that the pod(s) are running.microk8s kubectl scale deployments/beacon -nprysm --replicas=0
microk8s kubectl scale deployments/validator-client-1 -nprysm --replicas=0
microk8s kubectl get pod -nprysm -w
microk8s helm3 rollback eth2xk8s 4 -nprysm
microk8s kubectl scale deployments/beacon -nprysm --replicas=1
microk8s kubectl scale deployments/validator-client-1 -nprysm --replicas=1
microk8s kubectl get pod -nprysm -w
microk8s kubectl scale deployments/beacon -nlighthouse --replicas=0
microk8s kubectl scale deployments/validator-client-1 -nlighthouse --replicas=0
microk8s kubectl get pod -nlighthouse -w
microk8s helm3 rollback eth2xk8s 4 -nlighthouse
microk8s kubectl scale deployments/beacon -nlighthouse --replicas=1
microk8s kubectl scale deployments/validator-client-1 -nlighthouse --replicas=1
microk8s kubectl get pod -nlighthouse -w
microk8s kubectl scale deployments/beacon -nteku --replicas=0
microk8s kubectl scale deployments/validator-client-1 -nteku --replicas=0
microk8s kubectl get pod -nteku -w
microk8s helm3 rollback eth2xk8s 4 -nteku
microk8s kubectl scale deployments/beacon -nteku --replicas=1
microk8s kubectl scale deployments/validator-client-1 -nteku --replicas=1
microk8s kubectl get pod -nteku -w
microk8s kubectl scale deployments/nimbus-1 -nnimbus --replicas=0
microk8s kubectl get pod -nnimbus -w
microk8s helm3 rollback eth2xk8s 4 -nnimbus
microk8s kubectl scale deployments/nimbus-1 -nnimbus --replicas=1
microk8s kubectl get pod -nnimbus -w